Season of the eclipses of August 2017. Part 2

Season of the eclipses of August 2017. Part 2

Lunar eclipse

On August 7, the lunar eclipse at 15 ° 25 'Aquarius will be at the Southern Node on opposition to the conjunction of Mars and the Sun. This period is associated with the result, with the result, the final or intermediate. This eclipse initiates questions of relations and involves other people in our affairs. It can reveal the differences and conflict between the leader and the group, between the president and the parliament, the confrontation in international relations. Situations of this period have a "we" orientation. 

solar eclipse

The demands or claims of others may force us to act. This period can be associated with involvement in some group activity or decision to leave the group, an organization where there may be a struggle for power. Change can happen in a relationship with friends or a partnership. This is a turning point in situations, the period of completion of projects or cooperation. Or it will be necessary to revise old approaches, conditions, so that the project or relations can be continued. 

This time requires the introduction of innovations, modernize and update. At this time, attention can be focused on the problems of the child, on the stepchild, stepdaughter, friends or partner of the child in marriage. Disputes can arise because of money issues related to business transactions. Probable legal conflicts, public scandals, activization of competitors.

This is a hard eclipse. It can be associated with dramatic events. It carries a great potential of conflict, competition, aggravation of military operations, the danger of terrorist attacks, accidents, explosions, accidents can occur in places of entertainment. This is a period of increased danger of fires, injuries, burns, accidents. Be cautious when using piercing-cutting objects, when driving vehicles, when crossing the roadway. If at this time to get involved in a conflict or take an ill-considered step, it will lead to complications, which will have to deal with later. 

The development of situations can continue in January-February 2018, and from summer to autumn 2018. More recommendations for the period of eclipses and August 2017 can be found here.

Solar eclipse

  • Solar eclipse August 21, 2017 at 28 ° 53 'Lion and its timing:
  • The eclipse begins at 15:46 GMT
  • The maximum phase at 18:21 GMT
  • Ends the eclipse at 21:04 GMT
  • Full blackout phase 2 minutes, 41 seconds.

This is a total eclipse. But its full phase can be observed only in the US. Partial eclipse will be visible in North America, in Western Europe and in South America, the Pacific, the Atlantic, and the Arctic.

The first thing to remember is that eclipses attach importance to everything that happens at this time. At this time, especially near eclipses, you should closely monitor all the current situations, meetings and new ideas. It must be remembered that every event that takes place on an eclipse is more important than we can assume at first. Ideas, proposals, projects and people who enter our life in the "season" of eclipses, become a part of our life for a long period.

But mistakes, errors, miscalculations and misdemeanors also become more significant than at other times, and their consequences will be long. Therefore, we do not go on about emotions and illusions, rely on reason and prudence, do not yield to provocations and temptations. Important decisions should not be taken during the eclipses and even more so on the day of eclipse. Lean on the tested connections, prepare new steps. But new initiatives and projects need to be postponed for the period after September 06

The second thing to remember is that the eclipses of this season are related to our awareness of our identity, our "I" different from others, our personal and creative tasks in a collective context. This is the theme: "I" and the team, the ability not to dissolve in the interests of others, but to be able to build relationships so that cooperation or personal relations do not interfere with our need to be ourselves. 

Do not go on about others, do not get involved in questionable benefits and relationships of dependence, do not compromise on principles and be true to yourself, even if you need to part with someone or something, or lose something. The northern hub in Leo calls for a balance between our individual tasks and what other people expect or want from us, between personal and social life, between the demands that others place on us, and our need to be ourselves. An important psychological side of this period will be able to not forget about their interests and tasks for the sake of someone or for the sake of something, not to go on about the opinion of the crowd. 

This position will be the key to solving the problems that will arise in this period in the relationship. If we put ourselves in dependence on the approval of the reference group or team, we can lose personal initiative, and with it new opportunities and respect for the group that we are accustomed to depend on. This psychological emphasis on a long period, which needs to be given attention.

If you want to track the effect of an eclipse on your natal chart, look at which house of the horoscope gets the eclipse degree and the opposite house. This will tell you which part of your life will be affected. Look at whether the eclipse is in conjunction with any of your planets, or with any of the corners of the horoscope - ASC, IC, DSC, MC. If yes, we can expect that the impending eclipse will touch upon important issues of life in those areas controlled by the planets and with which the angular points of the horoscope are connected.

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