Season of the eclipses of August 2017. Part 1

Season of the eclipses of August 2017. Part 1

Season of the eclipses

In the forecast for August 2017, I wrote about eclipses and gave recommendations for this period. Now I want to dwell on what was not included in the previous text. So, in August 2017, we are waiting for two eclipses:

  1. Lunar eclipse on August 7 at 15 ° 25 'of Aquarius
  2. Solar eclipse on August 21 at 28 ° 53 'Lion

The August 2017 eclipses will be on the Lion-Aquarius axis at the North Node in Leo. Over the next year and a half, eclipses are on this axis, bringing to the fore the themes of Leo and Aquarius.


The lion is a symbol of imperative will and personal power, it is the leader, the monarch, the president. Aquarius is a demos (Greek "people"), free citizens who have civil rights. From this root comes the word and the concept - democracy - the power of the people. This is the parliament, public organizations, civil movements. At a time when eclipses are on the signs of Leo and Aquarius (until February 2019), new trends in society are defined, new trends in international relations, in the relationship between government and people, the "social contract", the type of interaction, the world political situation is changing, in afterwards becoming a stable trend for a long period. These are also the topics of people exposed by the authorities, their destinies and their influence on the world processes.

"Season of eclipses" of August 2017 is a time of important and landmark events in the world. Situations related to eclipses could be identified three weeks before the first eclipse, and the significance of the topics and issues touched will be felt for at least half a year, until the next eclipse season in February 2018, where the key solar eclipse will be on February 15, 2018 at 27 ° 08 'of Aquarius. This is in the short term.

But when talking about eclipses, one must remember that eclipses are not a one-time fact, but a process, not a date, but a point of reference, including a certain historical program. Therefore, the influence of eclipses, themes and situations related to them, can develop for many years until the next eclipse of the same cycle of Saros (18 years). Both of the August 2017 eclipses belong to the Saros 1N series (145).

Saros series

This series of Saros began on January 4, 1639, and consists of 77 solar eclipses. Eclipses of one series occur every 18 years. The current solar eclipse will be the 22nd in the cycle. The eclipses of this Saros in the twentieth century were in 1909, 1927, 1945, 1963, 1981 and 1999. And every 19 years, eclipses are repeated in the same degree of the Zodiac. We can look back to remember: what happened to us 19-18 years ago. We read more about Saros here.

On August 22, 1998, the solar eclipse was at the same degree of Leo - 29 °. And the previous solar eclipse of this Saros was on August 11, 1999. Themes, circumstances and events of 1998-1999 can be part of current events, remotely or directly. For example, on the eve of a solar eclipse on August 11, 1999, Vladimir Putin came to power in Russia. The current eclipse on August 21, 2017 and the subsequent period will be associated with symbolic events for Vladimir Putin and decisive for his policies, influencing the situation in Russia and its position in international relations.

Lunar eclipse

  • Lunar eclipse August 7, 2017 at 15 ° 25 'Aquarius and its timing:
  • The eclipse begins on August 7 at 15:50:01 GMT
  • The maximum phase at 18:20:29 GMT
  • Ends the eclipse at 20:50:56 GMT
  • The total duration of the eclipse is 5 hours 1 minute.

This is a private lunar eclipse. It will be visible in most of Europe, most of Asia, Australia, Africa, South America, the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian Ocean, and Antarctica.

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